There has been one minor adjustment since I last wrote. While I still lovingly call the binder "Mommy's Brain" when I speak of it, those words are nowhere to be found on the binder itself. I was finding that the cutesy, slightly sarcastic name was not fitting in with the antique/chic look that was coming together. So instead, I put "My Blessed Mess" on the spine of the binder and some scripture on the front. However, for all intents and purposes, it is still my brain!
Rather than try to explain every single page in my binder, I took a bunch of pictures for you. I'll try and comment on what is contained within each section (when it isn't obvious). Hope you like it!
The spine.
The front cover with Proverbs 31:30 and a picture of a pioneer mother working alongside her toddler.
The entire binder from the side. It is a 2"- 3 ring binder. I may need to upgrade to a 3", however!
A zipper pouch containing: pens, dry and wet erase markers, erasing cloth, paper clips, tape, stamps, scissors, etc.
The "Routines & Cleaning" section has a list of my cleaning schedules and daily routines (this does not include calendar activities, just the things I do on a daily/weekly/monthly basis). It also a Battle Plan for Recovering the Disastrous Home (adapted from this article).
My "Weekly Home Checlist" inside of the "Routines & Cleaning" section:
Also inside of the "Routines & Cleaning" section: my daily chore schedule and morning, afternoon, and evening routines):
The "Daily Events & Extra Tasks" section has a family calendar, as well as my list of extra daily "To-Do's":
"Meals & Groceries" has my weekly meal menu, grocery list on a page organized by location in the grocery store, coupons, a running list of my price point on usual items we buy, a master grocery list of things we buy on a regular basis, meal ideas, coupons, sales sheets, etc.
This section is pretty self-explanatory! Although, I should mention that only tested and loved recipes make it into the binder. All others remain with the other recipes and cookbooks on my counter.
The "Homeschooling" section has my daily lesson plans, scope and sequences, worksheets for the coming day and week, articles on schooling, etc.
"Books & Reading" contains our running list of library books and due dates, our wish list for our home library, misc. articles I am reading, etc.
"Goals & Plans" has our project lists, my husband's "Honey-Do" list, brainstorming on goals we have for the future, my "worry list" (unfinished projects that are nagging me), etc.
"Motivation & Inspiration" has my running list of memory verses/chapters, articles/poetry/quotes that inspire me, photos I love, etc.
The "Business" section is for anything related to my husband's business (finances, tax info, client info, receipts, etc.).
This section is for our personal finances: budget, bills, account info, etc.
"Emergency Preparedness" has a list of emergency contacts, lists of items we have and/or need to get for emergency situations, articles on disaster preparation, etc.
Self-explanatory -- this contains important medical info.
"Contact Info. & Messages" has phone numbers and addresses, as well as any phone messages that I need to write down.
The "Gift Giving & Receiving" section has records of gifts given, gifts received, thank you's sent and needed to be sent, Christmas cards sent/received, a calendar with all family birthdays and anniversaries, gift ideas, etc.
"Miscellaneous" is the catch-all for anything that doesn't fit in the other eighty-five million categories! ;o)
And finally, the back section contains extra page protectors, notebook paper, graphing paper, and printer paper.
WHEW!! It was almost as tiring blogging all of that as it was making it!!
I have to say, I have read some skeptical articles and criticisms of home management binders by those who say that they are just an excuse to feel organized on paper while still living in chaos; that is definitely NOT true for our home! In the short time that I have been using the binder, there has been a remarkable improvement in the efficiency, order, and cleanliness of our home! Something about knowing where everything is and having a plan set in place has given me such peace -- and even JOY -- in my homekeeping! I know it is not for everyone, and I am in awe of the women who can juggle everything without having to have a structured plan laid out before them, but it is a lifesaver for me! I knew I needed to find a system to keep our lives on track if we were going to continue having babies at God's timing -- AND homeschooling them all -- and I feel as if this binder is literally the answer to my prayers! My husband even offered me praise yesterday for how wonderfully I am doing in my keeping of the home....what a sweet reward!
I better go walk the walk and not just talk the talk! I have to get off of the computer and go reboot the laundry before we head to bed. Hope yours was a blessed weekend!
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